Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Christmas 2011

This was my 2nd handmade card that i made for my boyfriend for Christmas, the first one was for his birthday, and i wish i had a picture of it, but unfortunately i don't. It was not my best work, but it was the very first handmade card that i made so i am very proud of it.

This card i learned watching the tutorials on YouTube in Craftingeek channel, i LOVE her videos! she is AMAZING and her videos are HQ!!! so is a must watch if you haven't seen in, the tutorials are in Spanish though, but you will learn a LOT!!! Its very good for beginners. My sister was the one who discover her, lol she found it and gave it to me and since then i learn a lot. 

Here is the link. ->

-Until next time!


Mis Materiales

Aquí están mis materiales, son solo algunos, ya que con el tiempo fui comprando mas y mas. Empece solo con lo básico ya que todavía no sabia como era toda la cosa de hacer tarjetas y todo lo que tenga que ver con manualidades! 

Todo empezo cuando necesitaba regalarle algo a mi novio, algo que fuera unico, especial hecho por mi, empeze a ver tutoriales de manualidades en YouTube... Con mucha paciencia y ganas de aprender llegue a hacer lo que hago ahora, tampoco soy una experta en hacer tarjetas pero alli voy... 

Compro mis materiales en algunas tiendas como Target, Walmart, Marshall etc. pero mi tienda favorita de manualidades es "Michael" esa tienda venden de TODO!!! puedo pasar horas y horas alli sin aburrirme! aunque lo malo es que las cosas que venden alli es muy caro pero vale la pena! Antes compraba materiales al azar, osea lo que veia que me gustaba y etc pero ahora mas que todo compro materiales por ocacion, dependiendo si es para cumpleanos, navidad, o baby shower.  

En fin, en el proximo blog podran ver las tarjetas que he hecho!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Day of the Blog.!!!

This is the first time i am posting a blog, and i will be posting mostly what i have been doing for scrapbook or handmade cards by ME.! Usually i do cards on weekends, on my off day from work as a hobby, looking at YouTube videos to get ideas and reference. 

I am not intending to copy from anybody, i am trying to make it my own style, yet it may be similar to what you have seen.

I made handmade cards for my love ones, always a gift for my friends, and family. It's a hobby and i still need a lot to learn and improve.!!! 

Anyways, too much writing, the following post are going to be the cards that i did so far!
